Important Notice

Opening hours at the start of the season:

Tuesday to Friday: 3 p.m. to 9 p.m
Saturday: 12-9 p.m

Kitchen closes at 8 p.m
Sunday and Monday: rest day
The inn and mountain hut are closed!

Closed days:

08/25/2024-09/02/2024 shutdown

Kind regards, the Neumannmühlen team


Hotelroute F


Mountain hut | Inn | Museum

  • Kirnitzschtalstraße 4-5
    01855 Ottendorf
  • Phone: +49 359 7450565 Click to call
  • Fax: +49 359 7450199
  • Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Joumey by car:

The best way to find us: just follow the hotel-leading-system of "Sächsische Schweiz" on hotel route F (look at diagram underneath)

Find your personal route via google.maps

Journey by bus and railway:

Take the S-Bahn from Dresden Central Station to Bad Schandau. There is a train connection every 30 minutes.

At Bad Schandau you have to take the 241 bus in direction of Hinterhermsdorf. Get off at Neumannmühle.

Coming on foot:

Variant 1 (about 5.5 km)

After arriving at Bad Schandau you can use your S-Bahn railway ticket for the Elbe river ferry to Eibkai Bad Schandau. Follow the signs to the Kirnitzschtalbahn (about 500 m). From there the tram will take you to "Lichtenhainer Wasserfall" terminal on a 8-km-route through the wildly romantic Kimitzsch-Valley. Finally you have to roam on the "Flößersteig" ("rafter's track") to "Neumannmühle" along the Kirnitzsch river (about 5 km).

Variant 2 (about 15 km - half-day-walk)

Don't get off the train at Bad Schandau as mentioned in variant 1 but continue your joumey to Schmilka (2nd stop after Bad Schandau). Your S-Bahn railway ticket is valid for the Elbe river ferry, too. After crossing the river you climb up the "Große Winterberg". Follow the signs to "Zeughaus" and from there to "Neumannsmühle"

Booking request & contact

In short

equipment features

  • 44 total number of beds
  • 28 sleeping bag places
  • 4 4-bed-rooms 
  • (running hot water)
  • shared showers
  • 4 shared toilets

kital logo

Prices and opening hours

Price per person - including breakfast - plus tourist tax 2,50 €

  • 4-bed-room 40,00 EUR
  • sleeping bag place    27,00 EUR
  • rent a sleeping bag    5,00 EUR

Further information

The 2024 season begins on March 22. 2024



Mountain hut | Inn | Museum

  • Kirnitzschtalstrasse 4-5
    01855 Ottendorf
  • Phone: +49 359 7450565
  • Fax: +49 359 7450199

How to find us